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"no one is told any story but their own"
C.S. Lewis, The Horse and His Boy

Kara Chatham
Sep 14, 20163 min read
Jason Bourne | Film
It's been nine years since the last Bourne film with Matt Damon leading the charge - The Bourne Ultimatum. Four years ago, Bourne Legacy...

Kara Chatham
Sep 12, 20163 min read
Fullscreen | Jack and Dean of All Trades
If you have never heard of Jack Howard and Dean Dobbs, then you have no idea what you are about to get yourself in to. Jack and Dean are...

Kara Chatham
Jul 11, 20166 min read
CW Seed | I Ship It
The CW has taken on the series that was inspired by - and created by - Yulin Kuang's short film I Ship It. We get to watch a different...

Kara Chatham
Jul 9, 20162 min read
Film | The Sisterhood of the Night
The Sisterhood of the Night is based on the short story of the same title by Steven Millhauser. The short story was originally published...

Kara Chatham
Jul 7, 20161 min read
Web Series| i can't even
i can't even is such a charming web series that captures the essence of fandom life. It is essentially Tumblr in video form. The story...

Kara Chatham
Jul 5, 20163 min read
Web Series | Rex
Rex is a web series based on Arthurian Legend. It specifically looks at the lives of Arthur, Lancelot, and Merlin. It was made by the...

Kara Chatham
Jun 18, 20163 min read
Film | Now You See Me 2
Now You See Me 2 is the second installment in the story of "The Four Horsemen", a group of "elite" magicians. Initially I was not sure...

Kara Chatham
May 13, 20162 min read
Novel | Half Upon a Time - James Riley
Half Upon a Time is the first in the series by James Riley. He takes fairy tales and pushes them to the future a bit. We get to follow...

Kara Chatham
Apr 25, 20164 min read
Web Series | Pantheon University
The writers of Jules & Monty have returned with another web series. Pantheon University takes some of the big names in Greek Mythology...

Kara Chatham
Jan 29, 20163 min read
Novel | The Princess, The Scoundrel, and The Farm Boy
The Princess, The Scoundrel, and The Farm Boy is a kind of retelling of the beloved first film in the original Star Wars Trilogy. I say...

Kara Chatham
Dec 14, 20152 min read
Netflix: Jessica Jones
Neflix's newest superhero struggles to see herself as a superhero. I think that is what helps make her easily identifyable. The whole...

Kara Chatham
Oct 26, 20152 min read
TV: Supergirl - Pilot Episode Thoughts
CBS has brought a new hero to the small screen. The story of Superman, Kal El, has been told over and over again. It's about time for...

Kara Chatham
Oct 25, 20152 min read
WebSeries: The Jane Games
It is a truth universally acknowledged that a Janeite is always on the look out for new ways to experience Jane Austen's novels. Laura...

Kara Chatham
Feb 16, 20152 min read
Novel: Story Thieves - James Riley
Story Thieves by James Riley is a reader's paradise. What could be better than day dreaming about hopping in and out of our favorite...

Kara Chatham
Feb 5, 20153 min read
Broadway vs. Silver Screen: Newsies
This is post is going to cover both versions of Disney’s musical Newsies. Check out the vlog where I talk about the stage adaptation...

Kara Chatham
Jan 25, 20152 min read
Novel: Northanger Abbey - Val McDeremid
Northanger Abbey by Val McDermid is a modernized adaptation of Jane Austen’s only gothic romance of the same title. Overall, I enjoyed...

Kara Chatham
Jan 6, 20153 min read
Film: Into the Woods
Another beautiful musical that has been transferred from stage to silver screen - Into the Woods! Overview: Into the Woods is a melting...

Kara Chatham
Jul 14, 20142 min read
Novel: Prince of Shadows - Rachel Caine
Prince of Shadows is a retelling of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, but it is told from Benvolio’s perspective. It was published on...

Kara Chatham
Jun 20, 20144 min read
WebSeries: Jules & Monty
This webseries is absolutely beautiful and if you have not watched this, you should go watch it now (click here)! A warning… there may be...

Kara Chatham
Jun 6, 20142 min read
Film: The Fault in Our Stars
The Fault in Our Stars - affectionately called TFiOS - film adaptation was released on June 6, 2014 and directed by Josh Boone. It is an...
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