The writers of Jules & Monty have returned with another web series. Pantheon University takes some of the big names in Greek Mythology and places them in a college setting. We are given thirteen episodes - twelve that are specific to each individual and one finale that sums them all up.

The characters we get to meet are: Zeus, Athena, Aphrodite, Poseidon, Hades, Dionysus, Artemis, Hephaestus, Ares, Apollo, Hercules, and Hera. Each episode has its own style that helps emphasize certain characteristics about the character. So let's walk through each episode (and I will do my best to not spoil anything, but I make no promises).
Zeus: It only makes sense that Zeus is first in the playlist, being the head Greek god and all. We get to see how Mighty Zeus rules over the other gods in the realm of university through him being the president of a fraternity - Alpha Alpha Omega. We get to hear about how he sleeps around and how that affects his relationship with Hera.
Athena: Who would have thought that the Goddess of Wisdom would be the one trying to fix all of her friends' problems? Actually... That did not cross my mind. But it works for her because it helps make her human. Some people feel the need to fix everyone's problems and sometimes that gets to the point where they ignore their own - that is where Athena is when we see her.
Aphrodite: What could the Goddess of Love possibly do in the world of college? Create a hookup service, of course. But her episode is about more than her entrepreneurial endeavors. We get to see her struggle to balance a committed(ish) relationship and keeping her business image where she thinks it should be.
Poseidon: What better role for the God of The Ocean than that of Swim Team Captain? That is about as close as we get to seeing Poseidon be involved with the water. And we don't really get to see him in action as a swimmer or as a captain. There are a few clips, but his story is focused elsewhere. Personally, I was not super interested in the story line that was there.
Hades: Typically when the character of Hades is brought in, the character fits in to the mold of a villain. Not this one. We get to see the God of the Underworld as a female and she is a radio DJ for Pantheon. We get the opportunity to empathize with this usually treacherous character, as the focus is more on the relationship between Hades and Persephone.
Dionysus: It only makes sense for the God of Wine to be drunk throughout his entire episode. We get to go on a small adventure with this party god as he is completely passed out from drinking far too much.
Artemis: The take they took on Artemis was an interesting one. They focused on the fact that the Goddess of the Hunt has a group of huntresses who have all vowed a vow of chastity. So why not make this Goddess the leader of the purity club on campus? It's an interesting choice, but it did not have me hooked for the whole twelve-ish minute episode.
Hephaestus: This was a neat episode, but I didn't get the sense that it really brought out much about this Greek god. I felt like the focus was more on the story of Pandora's box - which is cool and was creatively done. I just didn't really feel like the focus was on the title character. And that could be because I don't much about this one. I just Googled him to see who he actually is - God of Blacksmiths. Yeah...didn't see that with him being an IT sort of person. I liked the episode. Just kinda missed the actual connection to who the character is supposed to be.
Ares: The God of War. We get to see this War god calm down and work on managing his anger. I don't think it was made clear why he struggles with anger. I think the fact that I know that this is the God of War is where I was able to look past the lack of establishment because it makes sense for this character to have anger management issues.
Apollo: Another god that they turned into a Goddess. There are many titles that are connected to this Greek god, and the two that the writers highlighted are God of Light and God of Truth. This was highlighted through the character being a content creator. Her channel before college is connected to the "God of Light" title and the channel that was created during college is connected to the title "God of Truth".
Hercules: Now this character's episode was hands down my favorite. It is the most interactive episode of the series. You get to experience the Labors of Hercules as he is given different tasks to complete as a pledge of Alpha Alpha Omega. The interactive aspect is what kept my attention.
Hera: This was a beautiful episode. What makes this one stand out from the rest is how it sprinkles flashbacks through so you get the complete story of Hera. We get to see how Zeus and Hera meet and how their relationship develops and how it affects Hera personally. This episode does not make you dislike Zeus, necessarily, but it really helps you empathize with Hera.
The finale ties up loose ends as best it can. Twelve story lines is a lot to tie up in about twenty-one minutes, but they put their best foot forward.
I think you could probably watch this in whatever order you wanted to and be okay as long as you watched the twelve character specifics before watching the finale. Now, this series is definitely geared towards college aged kids and the content is not suitable for those who are not in this particular stage of life. I would not recommend it for anyone under the age of eighteen. I cannot tell you to not watch it if you are under that age, but I do not encourage you to do so. I do suggest checking out the series if you enjoy Greek Mythology.
Until next time... Kara