As the year of 2016 is coming to a close and 2017 is just around the corner, it's time to take a look at what has happened and see what predictions I have for the new year.
What has happened? Well, I started off the year without a long term job. I knew I was going to be looking for a job, but I wasn't entirely sure where to start. Thanks to one of my cousins, I was offered a three month contract video editing job in the middle of January. Towards the end of that contract they offered me a longer contract. Deciding to accept the longer contract meant that I would have to back out of the plans I had for the summer. I was going to spend another summer as a Media Specialist, but this longer contract opportunity was one that after much consideration and prayer I decided was one I shouldn't pass up. I got the opportunity to volunteer with the team that I was going to travel with that Summer and it was great getting to know them, as well as serving with them. I have truly enjoyed working with the North Point Ministries Media team this year. Because of taking the longer contract, I started my own single-member LLC. This allowed me the opportunity to start earning money through one of my hobbies - photography. So I own my own media company.
Something else that happened this year that is related to work but not at the same time is I finished the first draft of a novel. I started the writing process in March and completed it at the end of November. It's always been a dream of mine to be a published novelist. While I'm not published yet, I am closer to that dream becoming a reality because I have a completed first draft that is novel length! I've completed other stories, but they haven't been long enough to be a novel. So this is exciting for me. A few people have the draft, and starting 2017 I'll be diving back into the world I created to get another draft done. Who knows, maybe it'll be in the process of being published this time next year. Other cool writing accomplishments is that I finished writing the scripts for a web series that I have been wanting to make for a while.
Speaking of 2017... At some point in 2017, I will be looking to move out of my parents' house. They have been gracious to allow me to live with them so I can save money. Taking a quick step back into "What Happened in 2016", I purchased my first car. Because of the opportunity my parents gave me with living with them, it enabled me to purchase my own set of wheels. And heading back into 2017 goals, also because of this opportunity my parents gave me, I should have the car paid off during 2017. I don't believe this would be possible if I was not living with them.
Now what are some goals for 2017? I have never been one for non-fiction novels, and as I want to be a fiction writer I've always stacked my TBR list with fiction pieces. But I would like to read more non-fiction this coming year. And to kick off that goal, I'll be reading The Princess Diarist by Carrie Fisher. I intend to continue to keep working on new writing projects. I haven't quite decided which ones, but there is an ever growing list of ideas to choose from. As mentioned before, I finished the scripts for a web series. I hope that this coming year I'll be able to bring that series to life.
I'm sure that there are plenty of great things that will happen in 2017, just like there were plenty of great things that happened in 2016. There were struggles in 2016 and I'm sure there will be some for 2017. But it's a matter of what you do with them. You can focus on how hard they are or accept the challenge and press on! As I am reminded by the board that my Green 2015 Team signed, hope sees God's promises even in our troubles. So I look to the new year with the hope that God will keep His promises and continue to provide.
Until next year, my friends!