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Writer's pictureKara Chatham

Jessica Jones — Season 2 | Netflix

Updated: Jul 25, 2019

Season two of Jessica Jones is not the same kind of dark as season one. We are introduced to an even more relatable kind of darkness — the kind that lurks in our own minds. One could argue that we saw that in season one, but this is the self-inflicted kind not the mind control kind. The things that the characters face are very human experiences, but there is still that element of supernatural because Jessica herself is supernatural.

In this season, we get to know a bit more about Jessica before Killgrave. In season one we got a small glimpse into how she received her powers, but season two really dives into how traumatic Jessica has viewed her powered life. I think part of the reason Jessica goes down this “memory lane” type path is because Trish practically forces her to deal with it. Which, all in all isn’t a bad thing, but at the same time…I’m not sure. I’m still slightly on the fence about this catalyst. Ultimately it was Jessica’s choice to pursue it, but I’m not sure if she would have made the choice without Trish’s pushing.

As Jessica goes down this rabbit hole of her past, it feels like she is experiencing similar mental trauma that she experienced in season one. But the difference is she isn’t using the same tactics to calm herself down, which implies that this part of her past she had not focused on as much as she focused on the Killgrave trauma. The whole storyline does develop the character of Jessica, and in a way makes her more relatable even though her specific experiences are not regular experiences.

Honestly it was kinda nice seeing David Tennant reprise his role as Killgrave. It really enhanced the experience of Jessica’s self-inflicting mental pain. We get to see how she still feels some guilt from season one, but Killgrave is really there to help her with the guilt she feels in season two — and I thought it was clever how the writers point out this fact through Killgrave.

The Jessica and Oscar storyline was beautiful and, in my opinion, one of the most human aspects of Jessica’s storyline. This relationship was truly different than the one that Jessica had with Luke Cage in season one. It cultivated a sense of family — something Jessica hadn’t really experienced since the car crash. It also cultivated a sense of connection and understanding, something Jessica hasn’t ever really felt like she could have. Towards the end of the season, it becomes very clear what Oscar’s intentions are and they are so beautiful. It makes the end of the season pull at your heart strings that much more.

Let me slightly rant about Trish Walker’s storyline. It started off strong. It looked like she was in a healthy relationship and things were in a good place for her. But like many people, she was just not satisfied. She wanted something more. It was in her desire for “more” that she wrecked her own story and pushed Jessica into something that Jessica may not have actually wanted. There were moments that didn’t fully add up, thus giving the appearance that the writing for Trish was weak. As we get closer to the end of the season, it becomes obvious how wounded and jealous Trish is of Jessica. But she only sees one side of the story, the side that Jessica shares with her, and therefore has her own obscure view. Honestly, Trish Walker is blind by her own desires — we all have our moments like that. But there were moments that really just did not add up and I became quite annoyed with the character. So much in fact that during one of the episodes I skipped any moment that was about Trish’s storyline. And the small glimpse that we see at the end of the season…really? I think it would have served Trish better if she didn’t see that kind of result.

While Malcom’s storyline was not quite as large as Jessica or Trish, I felt like it was a good, strong story about self improvement and caring for others. I felt like we got to know Malcom better, and could really connect with him as an audience.

I don’t remember Hogarth being a huge character in the first season, and I wouldn’t say that she is a big one in this one either — but this season really makes her seem human. The suspense of finding out what her medical problem is, creates a strand of connection that I don’t remember existing before. It practically demands that you care about the character. And when you do find out what it is, everything that follows is understandable because you understand her motivation. There is one moment that I’m not sure is truly believable, but as I’m thinking back on it, it’s believable for that universe.

Overall, season two is enjoyable. I wasn’t as invested as I was in season one, but I liked it. I was definitely fully invested in Jessica’s story, Malcom’s story, and the glimpse of Oscar’s story. It’ll be cool to see how they move forward from here.

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